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“It disappoints me.”

It was sad hearing these exact words from the mouth of Sir Amardz, an instructor who I respected, I looked up to, and I admired the most to the extent that I am considering him as an inspiration.

He said this referring to our scores in the previous exam. I turned my head down because I know that I am one of those who got low scores. He even mentioned that out of 30 items, only 18 was the highest, and when he checked some of the papers, he didn’t mind checking the rest because he knew that it would be of no difference from the preceding ones.

I posted in my blog before that I’ve not studied even a single statement from last week’s lessons. I admit that I’ve been neglectful to my responsibilities due to some emotional reasons.

I know a simple ‘sorry’ from me and from the whole class is not enough to gain back the trust you once give to us. Yes, everyone became too confident that even studying your lesson never come to anyone’s minds.

But I promise that I will give you another high score as I will provide ample time to reading and absorbing my notes and recalling the things I’ve learned from your discussions. I know my classmates will also do on the next exams.

But, we are very sorry sir for disappointing you.

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