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Is helping a sin?

I grow up bringing with me the important principle taught by my father—“It’s better to give than to receive.” As what papa said, you must be kind to people, but don’t let them abuse you. So I followed it. I strive to be kind to them though sometimes,I hesitate to, and though there may be times that they don’t deserve my help.

Helping is giving. It’s one way of showing that I care for them, but I think, they misinterpreted it, they wasted it.

Now, is helping a sin? Is it wrong to help them solve their problems? Or if they’re thinking that I’m worsening their situation, well that’s not a thing for me worry, as long as I am true to my commitment defending their part.

On the emotional side of this post, no not related to this post palah, I wish mama and papa are here so that I have shoulders to cry on. I want to talk with them, I want to hear their voices, I want to tell them everything. I need them now. Life is getting difficult for me, but I know these will all pass. Time will come that people will realize my worth too. *sigh

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4 chikaDORAs:

Unknown said...

btaw doh...tym wil c0me dy wl thank u 4 wt u hv done..just kip on d0ing wat s ryt..God gives credit, m0r dn a human can..kip 8 up.. aja!

nAdz_aPpLe said...

Yes,do. Time will come that people will realize...

optimistic dora said...

@ pwancesz maiee

yeah, gikapoy na jd koh anah nila cge blik2 rina day uy... mao ra jpun concern, mka sapot lang jd. ga dugang lang nah sila labad sa kong ulo, hehe...

mga litse mn gd nah sila uy! sila na gne gi-tabangan, mu duot pa silah...

mangamatay ra nah silah sau! ahw? hehe,sori na gd, ga yaw2x ra jd koh, ga lagot nman gd koh...

optimistic dora said...

@ nadz_apple

i'll always wait for dat tym lang jd nadz, mka balos ra jd koh nilah... akin rin ang huling halakhak! hehehe...