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Their broken moments

It was a cold and lonely night, but all were still awake. It started with jokes, with talks which are out of sense tackling “out of this world” topics, laughing out so loud with our own differences, inventing stories, making fun of what is around.

It’s getting darker, scary sounds enveloped the gloomy night, winds continued blowing, yet, the energy and spirit of sharing was so alive. Until we landed to a serious part of the gathering, when one of my male board mates opened up his depression and heartache which he tried to escape. On that day, his girlfriend left him, whom he shared his ten months with. But the girl finds no more time with him because of her work. Communication is also a factor that affects their relationship.

After that teary confession of a man who is always the loser in all his relationships and end up shedding tears for his girls, my roommate followed. Three hours ago, they broke up with his boyfriend who has the same reason with the first one—no more time, because in her case, the guy works in the neighboring island.

Then others followed, telling their sad experiences too. I never thought that with the playboy and naughty faces of my board mates, they are the ones who love seriously. I’ve proved it through their stories.

Advice session was of course present, as an appetizer. And there was this topic which captured the attention of sleepy heads, as it was not night anymore, but dawn. “Difference between men and women” was it. When hurt and brokenhearted, women immediately show what they feel inside by crying, but men cry secretly though the pain is killing them softly.

The circle we created that night resulted to something which is emotionally educational. And the smooth flow of the evening added substance and meaning to a serious conversation among us, boarders.

Before we left silence to the chairs and table, everyone has absorbed in their minds the learning, togetherness, and bonding we had for a short period of that night.

That was one of the best talks I had with my board mates, and I want to end this by saying,

“It’s not the fault of the heart to fall in love, it’s the partner who’s not willing to accept that love… and if already accepted, who wasted everything”

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6 chikaDORAs:

china said...

ohh really doray? ahm, how about sharing us your love experience? i could probably give you an advice...

optimistic dora said...

ahw? maulaw koh chang, hahaha...
wah pai luv lyf uy, samok2x! hehehe...

SoulHunted said...

Ate Dora, i have noticed that you talked so much about love and things that are related to it.

optimistic dora said...

@ SoulHunted

uy, dli bya! balih, hehehe... kw jd ray hah, secret lang nah! ahw?

Grace said...

Hi Dora, it is my first time here in your blog and I am so glad to be here. You got a very interesting blog in here. :)

optimistic dora said...

@ Grace

wow,thank u for da visit grace, nice knowing you! God bless...