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Out of Scrabble

Scrabble-- this word game is one of the things I play when I have nothing to do. I play with my cousins, classmates, friends, and even with my neighbors. With scrabble, I gonna let my brain work-- think and formulate a word, or else, I can't place something on the scrabble board. But there's always one thing that keeps me remembering every time I play this game. It is a seven-letter name of a person, RANDY GO.

The story of Randy Go began when I was in second year high school,when I played with my classmates. When I arranged the letters in the tiles, after forming "Go" and placed it on a separate place (on the right), surprisingly, the name "Randy" is formed.

That's why, Randy Go remains a big mystery in my puzzling existence. Until now, I'm still searching for that person.

To Randy Go... Whoever and wherever you are, I need to know and see you, so that I will understand what the game means. When I'll find you, you will never be a mystery anymore, but if I wont be given the chance to meet you or if you're already dead, I'm still glad that I've known you by name.

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